Los Alpes offers wooden pallets or pallets designed to satisfy customers’ needs. We manufacture pine and oak pallets, in natural wood or treated wood to kill pests or to reduce the climate’s effects on the pallet’s resistance. The pallets could have a standard configuration or special designs according to the customer’s requirements.
A better understanding about wooden pallets or pallets could be achieved through the answers of the following questions:
1. What are the wooden pallets or pallets?
The wooden pallets are horizontal and rigid platforms, designed to transport and store products and can be handled with a forklift or other lifting mechanisms.
2. What kind of wood are the wooden pallets made out of?
The kinds of wood that Los Alpes offers in the wooden pallet manufacturing are of pine and oak. The biggest difference between these two kinds of wood is their capacity for weight handling: oak is more resistant then pine, therefore, it could support more weight; besides it’s more stable (yet less aesthetic) than pine
3. What are the main differences between the Pine Wooden Pallets and the Oak Wooden Pallets?
Pine Wooden Pallets These pallets are selected with a controlled quality that allows maneuvering in practically any environmental condition, eliminating pests and any risk of suffering significant changes in its structure.
Advantages of the Pine Wooden Pallets:
- They are more commonly used for the handling of load.
- Its rated and recommended load capacity is not to exceed 1,000 kg.
- Its resistance is defined according to the amount and thickness of the bars, which is determined by the application’s requirements.
Oak Wooden Pallets
These pallets’ material is also selected through a high level of quality and it’s characterized by the special composition of its fibers, which allows for it to have greater resistance and durability for heavy loads.
Advantages of the Oak Wooden Pallets
- It is used to carry loads greater than 1,000 kg.
- Its resistance is characteristically special due to the wood´s composition.
4. Where and what can I use the Wooden Pallets for?
It is important to remember that one of our priorities is bringing an excellent level of attention and client service, our job is performed according to each of the customer’s specific requirement. Therefore, a person with a specialty and expertise in this topic can pay a visit, at your request, without an extra charge or compromise on your behalf so that after having a meeting in which your needs are established, we could offer you a design with the proper size or assist you making suggestions for the existing design. This way, for Los Alpes, one of its principles of its work lies in the “joint optimization supplier-client” formula, because, like its founder says “Every situation is a different topic”.
5. What are the advantages of using the Wooden Pallets?
- It minimizes the times of the loading and unloading operations; this is due to the fact that less merchandise maneuvering is produced.
- Optimization of the storage space because it allows greater heights in the stacking process.[rev_slider slider7]
- Risk reduction of breaking and losses during the maneuvering and transportation, because loads with more weight and volume are handled.
6. What is the quality and guarantee offered by Los Alpes?
The selection process begins with our own suppliers, with whom we have a considerable time working, having this happen after a careful selection based on the necessary quality parameters. Another relevant point here is that we are certified by the SEMARNAT (Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources) with the NOM 144-SEMARNAT-2004, for the completion of the calentamiento térmico (thermal heating), which is a universally indispensable requirement for the commercialization of wood. Los Alpes has its own Quality Department, which, in general terms, assures a product inspection before leaving the factory.
7. Why should I choose Los Alpes in the purchase of the Wooden Pallets?
These are some of the reasons Los Alpes gives you to choose it:
- It optimizes your expenses
- Offers payments flexibility
- Immediate availability to attend you, regardless of the time
- Competitive prices
- Check-plus service
- More than 50 years of experience
- Outstanding commercial presence in the country
- Has a large products inventory in its storage
- Material shipping throughout the entire country
- Flexibility of shipments
- Material import and export (with the necessary requirements)
- Guaranteed supply for your company
Wooden Pallets Models
In Los Alpes, we specialize in the Wooden Pallets design according to its loading needs, maneuvering and price. We offer Pine Wooden Pallets and Oak Wooden Pallets with the wood thickness, width and length according to the client’s requirement. We handle packing wood quality.
Next, we will show you some of the typical models that exist in the market: single Wooden Pallets, double, single blown, with redraws, etc. if you cannot find the model you are looking for, call us and one of our specialists will pay a visit to your company to meet your requirements and propose the best solution.
Single Wooden Pallets
Single flown Wooden Pallets
Heeled Wooden Pallets
Double Wooden Pallets
Double flown Wooden Pallets
Redrawn Wooden Pallets
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